V= P - O + I
Vitality = Power - Obstruction + Integrity - an updated concept from Mr. Arnhold Ehrt that is the core of this curriculum.
How do you work through the obstructions in your body, mind and spirit so that you can conduct and access more POWER while continually generating more INTEGRITY in your being?
This program will show you how.
Rather than giving you cookie-cutter plans/protocols that can often be dangerous - this program is designed to help you fully connect with YOUR body so that YOU can become the expert on your health you are capable of becoming.
In this course you will find all the CORE principals of living a 'cleansing lifestyle' taught through the lens of connecting the mind, body and spirit.
This is not a 'cleanse at all costs' program. This program will teach you how to work through the deep layers of your physical, mental and emotional being so that you can PROCESS all of the experiences you've had, and come out the other side more integral and informed.
- You will start with the introductory materials, getting you sorted on what a toxin really is, why we hold toxins in the body, mind and spirit, what trauma really is, why we need to be mindful in our processing and why release/liberation is the KEY to making this work viable.
- Next you will work through the 'Awakening' section which will teach you how to ACCESS the stored and stuck wisdom in your tissues, emotions and mind - what you currently believe to be your 'blocks'.
- From there you will step into the 'Processing' phase which will help you uncover the hidden WISDOM in all of your 'stuck' parts. You will be guided in how to process without causing more damage/trauma to your systems.
- Next you will journey through the 'Liberation' section, which will give you the tools you need to work with all the information you got in your Awakening and Processing work.
- Finally you will work through the 'Lifestyle' section, containing all the practical, nuts and bolts, day to day tools that you will use for the rest of your life to support your continual journey towards greater and greater complexity and integrity.
This course will teach you why NOTHING is actually there to 'hinder' you, nothing is 'bad' and healing doesn't come from 'getting rid of' anything. Rather EVERYTHING is information, information that either gets stuck when we resist, which then turns into 'waste' or information we embrace, process and use to help set us free.
This curriculum includes over 50 videos and 500 pages of written work.
Course Curriculum
- Introduction To Deep Tissue Cleansing
- Guest Lecture With Micheal Perrine
- Foundations Of Deep Tissue Cleansing
- Introduction To Toxicity
- Toxicity Continued
- Bringing Toxicity Together With Spirituality
- Why Toxicity Isn't 'Wrong'
- The Fundamentals Of True Detoxification
- Food Philosophy Matters
- Foundations Of AWAKENING
- How To Use This Deep Tissue Cleansing Work Moving Forward: The Physical
- How To use This Deep Tissues Cleansing Work Moving Forward - The Mental/Emotional
- Foundations Of Physical PROCESSING
- The Most Important Liberation Tool
- Sleep, Rest And Why It Matters So Much
- Creating A Detoxification LIFESTYLE
- Food Ordering And Combining
- Adding Alkalinity
- Deep Tissue Cleansing And Awakening - Semester Meeting (60:59)
- Reducing Chaos
- This Work Is Triggering You To Become A Master
- Why Fat Intake Matters
- A Closer Look At Fats
- How The Body Creates Energy
- Why Burning Fat For Fuel Is Toxic Detox
- Why The Body Wants The RIGHT Amount Of Weight
- Using The Tools You Have So Far
- All About Fruit!
- Fruit Philosophy Vs. Fruit Reality
- Why Fermentation Is Our Problem
- A Closer Look At Fermentation
- Why Food Combining/Ordering/Breathing Are Your First KEYS To Altering Your Bio Chemistry
- The Energetic Side Of Fermentation
- Why The Trauma Of Rebellion Was Necessary
- How To Work WITH Rebellion Rather Than Against It
- Theory On How To Accept Where We Are Through Visualizing Where We Want To Be
- Practical Processing: Visualizing Your Future To Find Your Right Next Steps PROCESS
- How To Deal With Painful Feelings/Life Not Going How You Want It To
- Creating The Conditions For Healing
- Why We Resist Life/The Process
- The Number One Key To Processing/Ascension
- Deep Tissue Cleansing Practical Processing Semester Meeting (98:25)
- Processing From LOVE
- Intro And Why We Need To Focus On Elimination
- The Importance Of Going Slow/Why Self Sabotage May Be Saving You
- Why There Is A Bottleneck In Cleansing That Must Be Respected
- Practical Tools For Elimination/Liberation!
- The Different Detox Types And Why It Matters
- Why We Resist True Healing
- My Experience With Toxic Detox: The Mental/Emotional Side
- My Experience With Toxic Detox: The Physical Side
- Food/Body Drama To Food/Body Wisdom
- Tools To Love Food/Body Drama Into Wisdom
- How Our Diseases Serve Us
- Making Room For Our Dis-ease/Shadow To Speak To Us
- The Truth About Real Cleansing: The Overarching Concepts
- The Truth About Real Cleansing: Why This Work Makes Us Stronger, What Liberation Truly Means
- Putting Coping And Evolution Together
- The Three C’s Of Complexity (Evolution)
- Why Life Is A Step By Step Evolution - Semester Meeting (68:26)
- Why We Don’t Want To Be Mucusless
- Why Fasting Is *Almost* Always A Terrible Idea
- It’s All About Integrity
- Why We Colon Cleanse
- How To Practice Colon Cleansing
- How Not To Colon Cleanse And Colon Cleansing Concerns
- Raw Foods - The Overarching Concepts
- Raw Foods: The Specifics
- Why There Is No Transition Without Colon Cleansing/Healing Toxic Detox
- All About Juice
- Putting Food, Juices and Colon Cleansing Together
- More Tools For Liberation
- Swelling And Inflammation
- The Unknown
- Onwards Master
- Integration
- Final Deep Tissue Cleansing Semester Meeting: Why We Embrace All Parts (60:41)